【Andrea Chénier】Synopsis, Character Map

Andrea Chénier: Character Map, opera

Composed by Giordano, Andrea Chénier is an opera based on a real French poet. Among the highlights of Andrea Chénier are Un dì all’azzurro spazio and Come un bel dì di maggio.


Andrea Chénier, Opera: Character Map

Andrea Chénier, Opera: Character Map
Andrea Chénier, Opera: Character Map

Andrea Chénier, Opera: Roles

Andrea Chéniera poettenor
Maddalena di Coignysoprano
Carlo Gérarda servantbaritone
BersiMaddalena’s maidmezzo-soprano
RoucherChénier’s friendbass
The Incredible, Un IncredibileIncroyablestenor
La comtesse di Coignymezzo-soprano
Andrea Chénier, Opera: Roles
  • Native title: Andrea Chénier
  • Language: Italian
  • Composers: Umberto Giordano
  • Librettist: Luigi Illica
  • Premiere: March 28, 1896, Teatro alla Scala, Milan
  • Running time: 2 hours (Act 1: 30 minutes, Act 2: 30 minutes, Act 3: 40 minutes, Act 4: 20 minutes)

Andrea Chénier, Opera: Summary

Andrea Chénier and Maddalena meet at a dinner party. She humiliates him. He composes a poem and urges her to think. Gérard, a servant, causes a commotion at the dinner, but the nobleman does not care.

Five years later, the French Revolution changed everything. Maddalena is impoverished by the Count’s downfall. Chénier is hunted by the revolutionaries. Chénier and Maddalena meet again. Chénier is tried and sentenced to death. Maddalena decides to die with him.

Andrea Chénier, Opera: Act1, Synopsis

Hall of the Count’s Villa

The servants prepare for the ball.

Carlo Gérard

Old Father. You have served arrogant people. And as if you had not suffered enough, you have passed on the same suffering to your children.

Son sessant’anni, o vecchio

The Countess, Maddalena and Maddalena’s maid appear.

Carlo Gérard

Maddalena is the only salvation in all this suffering.

La comtesse di Coigny
Maddalena. Hurry up and get dressed.

Maddalena leaves. Invited guests enter the hall. Andrea Chénier appears. A play is performed.

La comtesse di Coigny
Your muse says nothing?

Andrea Chénier

She is silent.

Maddalena talks with her friends.

Maddalena di Coigny

I’ll let him recite his poetry. Want to make a bet?

They approach him.

Maddalena di Coigny

Please forgive my rudeness. I would like to hear your poems. I prefer poems for nuns and brides.

Andrea Chénier

It is a modest wish. But I cannot compose a poem, even if it is an order or a wish. Poetry is capricious. Like love.

They laugh. People pay attention to them.

Maddalena di Coigny

My mother asked him to read a poem and he refused. So we bet on what he would say about love. He called the muse and the muse said the words out of his mouth. Anyone could have said love to me without the muse.

Andrea Chénier

You have hurt me.

One day I looked at the blue sky and wanted to pray to God. When I went to church, the priest stole the offerings and was deaf to the voices of the poor. I saw people suffering. Even children suffer. What do the descendants of the nobility do when they see such suffering?

(To Maddalena) Only you seemed human in this place. But you have profaned love.

Love is a gift from God.

Un dì all’azzurro spazio

Maddalena di Coigny

Please forgive me.

She leaves. Chénier also leaves.

La comtesse di Coigny
He’s weird. Come on, let’s dance.

Gérard appears with people.

La comtesse di Coigny
Someone get these people out of here! Gérard, you’ll be the first to go.

Carlo Gérard

I don’t need servant clothes!

He leaves with his father. People dance again.

Andrea Chénier, Opera: Act2, Synopsis

Cafes in Paris

Chenier is in a cafe. Maddalena’s maid tries to talk to him, but notices another man watching her. She glares at him.

The Incredible
Have you any reason to fear me?

Afraid? Why? I am not afraid of anything. On the other side there is death and intrigue, but on this side there is money and pleasure.

Vivere in fretta

She leaves.

The Incredible
She must be with the blonde I am looking for. The fact that she tried to get close to him is proof of that.

Chénier’s friend appears.

You are not safe here. Run far away.

Andrea Chénier

I believe in the power of miracles. I don’t care if it’s good or bad. I am here for love. I have received many letters from strange women.

Credo a una possanza arcana

Chénier’s friend checks the letter.

The letter smells of roses. It is a letter from a prostitute.

The revolutionaries and Gérard appear.

The Incredible
Is the woman you’re looking for Blonde hair?

Carlo Gérard

A woman with blue eyes and golden hair. Please help me find her.

The Incredible
You’ll see her tonight.

Bersi reappears.

A woman will visit you tonight.

Andrea Chénier

Tell me her name.

Her name is Hope.

Andrea Chénier

I’ll wait for her.

Bersi leaves.

It could be a trap.

Andrea Chénier

I’ll bring a weapon.

He leaves.

I will watch over him.

At night, the Incredible and Roucher hide. Maddalena appears.

Maddalena di Coigny

Still no one. It’s him. Andrea Chénier!

Ecco l’altare

Andrea Chénier

Who are you?

Maddalena di Coigny

Love is a gift from God.

Andrea Chénier


The Incredible, who had been hiding, leaves.

Andrea Chénier

Did you write to me?

Maddalena di Coigny

You are my emotional support. I have never asked you for help before. Someone has been chasing me for a month. Will you protect me?

Eravate possente

Andrea Chénier

It’s a moment of love. We will be together until death.

Gérard appears.

Andrea Chénier

(To Roucher) Help her.

Maddalena leaves with Roucher.

Carlo Gérard

(To the Incredible) Follow her.

Chénier and Gérard duel in the dark. Gérard is wounded.

Carlo Gérard

Are you Chénier? Run. Your name is on the list. Protect Maddalena.

Chénier leaves. People gather.

Who did this to you?

Carlo Gérard

I don’t know.

Andrea Chénier, Opera: Act3, Synopsis

The Revolutionary Tribunal

A man is asking people for donations, but he can’t get any. Gérard appears.

Carlo Gérard

France is now in danger. I want you to give your money and your children to France. We must fight other countries!

I am an old Madelon. My son and my son’s children died in the revolution. This boy is the last of my son’s children. Please don’t tell me he’s a boy. He will fight to the end.

Son la vecchia Madelon

Carlo Gérard

We accept him into our army.

People donate and leave.

The Incredible
Chénier has been arrested. She should come to you and ask you to save his life. He has been alienated by the officials. You can write his name on this paper.

Gérard writes hesitantly.

Carlo Gérard

Enemies of the Fatherland? Old-fashioned, but people like it. He was foreign-born, a soldier, and he put a spell on people.

I could believe I was strong, even in the midst of suffering. Oh, I remain a servant. Once I obeyed nobility, now I obey my own violent passions. It is love, ironically, that has changed me in this way.

Nemico della patria

The Incredible leaves. Maddalena appears.

Maddalena di Coigny

You don’t remember me, do you?

Carlo Gérard

I have been looking for you. I have longed for you since I was a child. What do you say to my love?

Maddalena di Coigny

I choose to die.

Carlo Gérard

You should not die. You are mine.

Maddalena di Coigny

You desire me, do you not? I am willing to give you my body to save his life.

Carlo Gérard

Do you love him that much?

Maddalena di Coigny

My mother died to protect me. When I fell ill, my maid sold her body for mine. I bring misery to those I love. In my despair, I remembered his love poem. Love saved me.

La mamma morta

Carlo Gérard

I will try to save him. But there are many who resent him.

People gather to watch the trial.

Andrea Chénier

I was a soldier. I fought with a pen. I was a lover of my country, not a traitor.

Si, fui soldato

Carlo Gérard

I will testify. The charges against him are false.

The people demand that he be executed. Chénier is sentenced to death.

Andrea Chénier, Opera: Act4, Synopsis

St. Lazare Prison

Roucher comes to see Chénier.

Andrea Chénier

On a beautiful May day, wind and sunshine will disappear into the sky. With words and poetry I will rise to the extreme. Before death, O last goddess, give the poet dazzling ideas.

Come un bel dì di maggio

Roucher says goodbye and leaves.


Maddalena and Gérard appear. They call to the guards.

Maddalena di Coigny

There is a young woman on death row here, isn’t there? I will take her place. You take this jewel and pretend not to know.

The guard receives the jewelry.

Carlo Gérard

I must save them.

Gérard runs off.

Andrea Chénier

My soul is comforted by your side.

Vicino a te

Maddalena di Coigny

I will die with you.

Dawn. The guards call out the prisoners’ names. Chénier answers as himself and Maddalena as someone else. They go to the execution site.
