L’Orfeo: Character Map

L’Orfeo: Roles
Orfeo | Orpheus | tenor or high baritone |
Euridice | Eurydice | mezzo-soprano |
Proserpina | Proserpine | mezzo-soprano |
Plutone | Pluto | bass |
Apollo | Orfeo’s father | tenor |
- Native title: L’Orfeo
- Composers: Claudio Monteverdi
- Librettist: Alessandro Striggio
- Based on: Greek legend of Orpheus
- Language: Italian
- Premiere: February 24, 1607, Ducal Palace, Mantua
- Running time: 2 hours
L’Orfeo: Summary
On Orfeo and Euridice’s wedding day, Euridice dead from the bite of a poisonous snake. Orfeo decides to bring her back from the underworld.
Orfeo sings to cross the river to the underworld.

I am not alive. Ever since I lost my bride, my heart has been gone. How can I live without my heart?
I am not going to the underworld. I am going to heaven where there is a beautiful woman.
Orfeo’s song moves the wife of the underworld king, so Euridice is allowed to return to earth.
However, there was a condition that he should not see his wife’s face until he left the underworld. Orfeo involuntarily turned and looked at Euridice. She could not return to earth.
While Orfeo was grieving on earth, Apollo, Orfeo’s father, came down from heaven. Orfeo ascends to heaven with his father.
L’Orfeo: Prologue
La Musica (Music)
I came from the river. I am “music”. I can move people’s hearts with love, sadness, anger, and the like through music.
Now, let’s talk about Orfeo. He is the one who moved even the underworld with his songs.
L’Orfeo: Act1, Synopsis
Fields of Thrace, Greece
On this happy and joyous day, let us sing. Euridice’s heart was at peace, and Orfeo was happy.
In questo lieto e fortunato giorno
Nymphs and shepherds
O God of marriage, come. May you bring happy days to those who love each other.
O Orfeo, you were once in anguish, and you brought nature to tears. Do you not sing for joy when we bless you in this way?

You are the rose of the heavens, O sun. Have you ever seen a happier lover than us?
I was happy when I first met you, and I am happy now because you reached out your hand to me in our wedding vows.
Rosa del ciel

O Orfeo. I cannot tell you how much joy I have.
For my heart is in your heart with the God of Love. If you want to know how much I love you, just ask the God of Love.
Io non dirò qual sia
Nymphs and shepherds
O joyful nymphs, dance gracefully. May the sun watch over you.
Come, O God of weddings. May you bring happy days to those who love each other.
If our joy comes from heaven, then it is good to pray. Let us pray to God for long life and happiness.
Do not despair, even if you are suffering to the point that your life is in danger. For after every terrible storm, the sun will shine.
Nymphs and shepherds
Orfeo, who once sighed and wept, is now in happiness.
L’Orfeo: Act2, Synopsis
A sunny field

My dear nature. By the sun, I have day and night.
Look, Orfeo. The sun is throwing light through the trees.
Nymphs and shepherds
O Orfeo, let these fields echo with your voice.

O forest. Do you remember when I was once grieving? Fate turned my suffering into happiness. I was suffering and living, but now I am happy.
Beautiful Euridice. You are the reason I am grateful for my suffering. Because after suffering, happiness is even greater.
Vi ricorda, o boschi ombrosi
A female messenger comes hurriedly to the place of celebration.
A female messenger
A tragic event has occurred!
Ahi caso acerbo
You are a friend of Euridice, are you not?
A female messenger
Please stop singing. For our joy has turned to suffer.

What are you talking about?
A female messenger
Your beloved bride is dead.
She was bitten by a poisonous snake while she was making a flower crown in the field. In a faint voice, she called, O Orfeo! She died in my arms.

My loved one is dead. Will I live?
No. If the song has power, I will go to the abyss and negotiate with the king of the underworld to bring you back to this world. If not, I will choose death and stay with you.
Good-bye, earth, heaven, and sun.
Tu se’ morta, mia vita, ed io respiro?
Nymphs and shepherds
A tragic event. Don’t believe in fleeting happiness.
A female messenger
I have delivered the abominable news. I can’t take my place here. I shall now spend the rest of my life hiding in a cave.
Euridice and Orfeo’s light has been lost. One is bitten by a poisonous snake and the other is in agony.
Nymphs and shepherds
A tragic event. A cruel fate.
L’Orfeo: Act3, Synopsis
Entrance to the Underworld, River

You are the “hope” that humans rely on. You have led me to this underworld. I believe that I will see her again.
La Speranza (Hope)
There is a river here and the other side of the river is the underworld. There is a ferryman who carries souls to the underworld. Now is the time for your courage and your song.
I have brought you this far, but by law, you must end here. It is carved in the stone of the underworld. “Abandon hope, ye who enter here.”
If you set foot in this land, I will return to earth.

Hope, please don’t leave me. I’m almost at my destination. You’re leaving me on a dangerous path.
The incarnation of hope leaves. Caronte appears.
Caronte (Charon)
It is unbecoming for a man of life to approach this river. Get away from this place. You may have come to steal your beloved wife. But I have never carried a living person.

O mighty spirit, fearsome God! Without you, a soul without a body cannot cross the river.
I am not alive. Ever since I lost my bride, my heart is lost. How can I live without my heart?
I shall step forward to her. I am not heading for the underworld. I’m going to heaven where there is a beautiful woman.
I am Orfeo. I will follow Euridice.
Possente spirto e formidabil nume
Caronte (Charon)
Your song tries to make me feel sorry for you. Get far away from me.

Can’t I hope that those in the underworld will hear my prayers? If my wish is not granted, I will not be able to go to heaven or hell. I want my treasure back.
As Orfeo continues to sing, he notices that Caronte is asleep.

He is asleep. My song could not move his heart, but it brought him to sleep.
Now, let’s cross the river.
Orfeo gets on a boat and crosses the river.
L’Orfeo: Act4, Synopsis
realm of the dead
Proserpina (Proserpine)
O king, that unfortunate man is seeking Euridice. I was moved by his song.
Let Euridice be restored to him. Comfort poor Orfeo.
Plutone (Pluto)
My dear wife, I cannot refuse your beauty and your prayers. I will allow Orfeo and Euridice to meet again, though it is against fate.
But before his feet leave this underworld, Orfeo must not look at Euridice. Even a glance at her will lose her forever.
My subjects. Let all of the Underworld know of my decision. Orfeo and Euridice as well.
Spiriti infernali (Infernal spirits)
In the underworld, love and compassion have triumphed.
Euridice comes to Orfeo.

My song has touched the hearts of the people of the underworld. Today, I will be embraced by the woman I love.
But will she follow behind me? Could it be that the gods of the underworld are jealous of me and are forcing me not to see her?
Loud noise.

What’s that noise? Could it be that the gods are trying to steal my treasure? Then I will not allow it.
Orfeo turns around and looks at Euridice.
Spiriti infernali (Infernal spirits)
You’ve broken the code!

Oh, you are a sight for sore eyes. For your great love, you will lose me. And I lose light and life, and most of all, I lose you.
Spiriti infernali (Infernal spirits)
I’m sorry, Euridice. Go back to the underworld.

Where are you going, my love? I will follow you. But against my feelings, my body is being taken to the land of light.
Spiriti infernali (Infernal spirits)
Orfeo overcame the underworld but was defeated by himself.
L’Orfeo: Act5, Synopsis
The Fields of Thrace

Unable to reclaim my loved ones, I had to return here. Nature, please grieve with me. Shed tears with me. Agony, tears!
Eco (Echo)

Amid all this misery, no amount of tears would be enough.
Eco (Echo)
Not enough.

Let me give my last words to Euridice. I can’t praise you enough for your beautiful body and your beautiful soul.
The other women are arrogant and unfaithful. In the future, I will never love such a lowly woman.
Apollo comes down from the heavens on a cloud.
My dear son. How can you become addicted to suffering and hatred? I have come to save you.

Father. I am in despair. Let me listen to your words.
You were overjoyed at your happiness. And now you are grieving too much.
There is nothing on earth that lasts forever. If you want to enjoy eternal life, come with me to the heavens.

Will I ever be able to see Euridice again?
Between the sun and the stars, you will see her face.

I will follow my father’s advice.
Orfeo and Apollo
Let’s ascend to heaven while singing.
Nymphs and shepherds
Orfeo, you will receive the honor of heaven. Those who suffer on earth will be saved in heaven. He who sows in suffering will receive the fruit of his labors.