Nabucco: Character Map

Nabucco: Roles
Nabucco | King of Babylon | baritone |
Abigaille | supposedly Nabucco’s elder daughter | soprano |
Zaccaria | high priest of the Jews | bass |
Ismaele | nephew of Zedekiah, the King of Jerusalem | tenor |
Fenena | Nabucco’s daughter | mezzo-soprano |
High priest of Bel | bass | |
Anna | Zaccaria’s sister | soprano |
- Native title: Nabucco
- Composers: Giuseppe Verdi
- Librettist: Temistocle Solera
- Based on: the biblical books of 2 Kings, Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Daniel
- Language: Italian
- Premiere: March 9, 1842, Teatro alla Scala, Milan
- Running time: 2 hours 15 minutes (Act 1: 40 minutes, Act 2: 30 minutes, Act 3: 30 minutes, Act 4: 35 minutes)
Nabucco: Summary
Nabucco, the Babylonian king, had two daughters. The eldest, Abigaille, was born to Nabucco and a female slave, but she did not know it. The second daughter, Fenena, was in love with Ismaele, the nephew of the King of Jerusalem.
Nabucco decides to pass the throne to his second daughter. Abigail learns the secret of her birth and moves to take the throne. Nabucco is touched by the wrath of the gods, struck by lightning, and loses his sanity.
Abigaille becomes queen of the Babylonian kingdom for a time. Nabucco converts to the Jewish gods and regains his senses. Abigaille’s mind becomes unstable due to the power of the gods, and she drinks poison and dies.
Nabucco: Act 1, Synopsis
Interior of the Temple of Solomon
Interior of Solomon’s Temple, 6th century BC. The Hebrews, Levites, and women are frightened by the invading Babylonian army.
Let the sacraments of the feast fall and be broken. The people of Judah are in mourning. The king of Assyria has already attacked us.
Gli arredi festivi giù cadano infranti
Take off your veils, maidens. Lift your arms and pray. May the fury of the fierce enemy be appeased.
O great God, who flies on the wings of the wind. Let the lightning fall from the trembling clouds you send forth to disperse and destroy the Assyrian army.
Zaccaria, the Hebrew chief priest, appears to the frightened people praying to God. He is accompanied by Fenena, a hostage.

We must have hope.
(Pointing to Fenena) The daughter of the enemy king will bring us peace.
The sun of happiness may rise again for us.

We must suppress our fears.
On the shores of Egypt, God gave Moses his life. Gideon’s army of a hundred men was never conquered. In the extreme situation, who would have died believing in God?
D’Egitto là sui lidi
What’s that noise?
Ismaele, the nephew of the King of Jerusalem, comes running into the temple.
The king of Assyria has attacked us.

God will put an end to the audacity of the enemy. I entrust this woman to you in trust.
He gives Fenena to Ismaele.

Like the night when the sun shines, like the dust that dances in the wind, you will disappear in the great tribulation. O false Bel God.
Mighty God of Abraham, come down to fight with us. Breathe on your servant and bring death to the stranger.
Come notte a sol fulgente
Bel: The god of storms and rains, worshipped in Canaan.
Everyone leaves. Ismaele and Fenena remain.
Poor woman, now you shine more beautiful in my eyes. You escaped from your jealous and cruel sister and came to me for love.
But now I am a slave.
I want to pave the way for you to be free.
You are about to break a sacred duty.
Please come. You’ve already broken your duty for me, haven’t you? My heart will open a thousand ways for you.
Ismaele tried to open the secret door, but Abigaille walked into the temple with her sword in her hand. Babylonian warriors followed her into the temple.

The temple is occupied!
Ismaele and Fenena

(Chuckling at the two of them) Brave warrior, do you only know the weapons of love?
(To Fenena) I can’t believe you have the fire of impiety in you.
(To both) What god would save you? The lightning of my vengeance will strike.
(Takes Ismaele’s hand) I have loved you. I would have given my country and my heart to you. If you love me, you can save your people even now.
Io t’amava!
I can give my life to you. But I will not give you my heart. I am satisfied with my fate. The tears that I shed for my people will speak to you.
O true God of Israel, I have already called upon you and heard your voice. May my prayers move you.
Hebrew men and women. Levites, disarmed soldiers, enter the Temple.
The Hebrew women
Did you see him (Nabucco)? See him wading through the crowd?
Lo vedeste?
An old Hebrew
He comes with a bloody weapon in his hand.
Women, Levites, the elderly
Happy are those who have died before this day.
Hebrew Soldiers
Behold, Nabucco, the king of the enemy, is riding on horseback toward the temple. Like a black whirlwind, he is leaving ruins everywhere.
Zachariah comes in a hurry.

What a bold man Nabucco is.
What a misfortune. Who will protect this temple?
Abigaile shouts for joy along with the armed soldiers.

All hail Nabucco!
Viva Nabucco!

(To Ismaele) Who lets this evil one through?
(Pointing to a Babylonian soldier in disguise) It’s a fake outfit.

We’ll even wear a disguise to invade the enemy. Pride is trivial. Now, King Nabucco is marching in.
Babylonian soldiers break into the temple. Nabucco appears at the entrance of the temple on horseback.

(To Nabucco) What are you doing? This is God’s room.

What are you talking about?

(Thrusting the dagger at Fenena) Before you defile the temple, my daughter will die from this dagger.
Nabucco gets off his horse.

The more strongly my anger will explode.
Father, have compassion for people in your heart. Have compassion for the unfortunate.

A new hope shines. The only woman to contend with me may become a vengeful sacrifice.

Losers, bow your heads. I am the victor. I have often called upon my God on the battlefield. But has your god come? Your God is afraid of me. There’s nothing a fool can do.

(Thrusting the dagger at Fenena) This woman is a sacrifice. Are you bloodthirsty? Then I will spill your daughter’s blood!
Ismaele takes the dagger from Zaccaria. Fenena goes to Nabucco.
(To Fenena) Love will save you.

My wrath shall no longer be restrained. Let those who are vanquished be destroyed atrociously. Plunder them and burn their temples. Pity is a sin.
Tremin gl’insani del mio furore!

The cursed people will be gone from this world. But will the love that wages war against me just disappear?
Ismaele and Fenena
The love that made you sad and ardent has veiled your eyes. The love that burned you will cover me with shame.

Zaccaria and the People
The people will reject you. Nabucco will become a name to fear, an abomination of all times.

Nabucco: Act 2, Synopsis
Royal apartments in Babylon
Abigaille has a piece of paper.

I’m glad I was able to find you. The Book of Destiny. The king hid it from me to bring me dishonor. I am the daughter of a slave.
Okay, the Assyrians believe I’m the daughter of Nabucco. Why am I here? I’m worse than a slave. The king has entrusted the throne to Fenena.
He’ll see my wrath. Fenena, the false father, wants to bring down the kingdom. I want to ruin myself. Deadly rage.
I used to be open to joy. I used to listen to the holy love of those around me. I wept for the tears of others and accepted their sorrow. Who will give me back that lost feeling?
Anch’io dischiuso un giorno
The high priest of Bel approaches Abigaile and speaks to her.
High priest of Bel
A horrible sight has met my eyes. Fenena is blaspheming our God. She is trying to liberate the Jews. Who can restrain the accursed mob? Power awaits you.
Orrenda scena

High priest of Bel
Everything is ready to go. I have already spread the rumors. How the king fell in the war. People are calling for the queen to protect the land of Assyria. If you take the first step, your destiny is yours. Have courage!

I will be with you.
Now I sit on a golden throne. On a throne covered in blood. My vengeance will be well known. The daughters of the royal family will come to me as humble slaves begging.
Salgo già del trono aurato
A room in the palace
Night. Zaccaria and Levites are walking through the palace.

Come, Levites. Bring me the Sacred Code. God wants me to serve him. Cut through the darkness of the heathen for the glory of Israel.
You have struck the prophet’s mouth with a bolt of lightning, O Most High God. Speak through my mouth to Assyria in a strong tone.
Vieni, o Levita
Levites: One of the tribes of Israel, a family that presides over rituals and ceremonies.
Zaccaria and Levites enter Fenena’s room.
What do you want? Who is calling us?
Che si vuol?
Brother, it is Zachariah’s wish.
You are cursed by God. The damned has no brothers. There is no one to speak to you. Every harsh voice of lamentation rides the wind and carries it to your ears.
For the love of the living God, please stop. I’m going crazy with fear.
Zaccaria’s sister
Brother, forgive him. He saved the Hebrews.

It’s the truth.
But what a tumult rises!

Zaccaria, Ismaele, Levites
Aah! Oh, God! What a surprise.
The flow of the story is abrupt, but it is scripted.
The old Babylonian minister, Abdallo, enters the room in a hurry.
You are a royal lady, Fenena. You must flee. An ominous cry heralds the death of King Nabucco. The people want Abigaille. They accuse you of having abandoned your faith in the god Bel.
I can’t stay here. I must go among the impious rebels.

Zaccaria, Ismaele, Levites, Abdallo
Please stop.
Abigaille, the High priest of Bel, and the people come into the room.
High priest of Bel
Glory to Abigaille.

Give me the crown.
I’ll die before that.
Nabucco makes his way through the crowd and gets in between Abigaille and Fenena. He takes Fenena’s crown, puts it on himself, and shouts to Abigaille.

You can take it from my head.
The moment of deadly fury is approaching. Fear is already raining down on all the silent faces.
S’appressan gl’istanti d’un’ira fatale

Listen to me! Babylonians. I will bring your god down to earth. Foolish Hebrews. Your god has been overthrown. There is only one God, and I am the God.
Non son più re, son dio

You are an insane man. The gods have grabbed you by the hair. Your throne has already been taken.

Take the old man with you. You can die with your people.
I will die with the Hebrews. I am Hebrew.

You’re lying. Bow down. I’m not a king, I’m a god.
Nabucco is struck by lightning. Confusion followed by a profound silence.
God has struck down the irreverent.

Who is grabbing my hair? My daughter, will you not help me?

God punished him.
Abigaille picks up the crown that fell from Nabucco’s head.

But the glory of the people of Bell will never be extinguished.
Nabucco: Act 3, Synopsis
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Abigaile is sitting on the throne. The people kneel.
The Queen of Assyria has power equal to that of the god Bel. If a foreigner calls her to war, she will bring destruction to all places.
È l’Assiria una regina
High priest of Bel
A noblewoman, the one who holds the fate of Assyria in her hands. Pray for us. Pray that all the impious Hebrews will be destroyed. First, curse that woman. Curse the woman who cannot be called your sister. Fenena has betrayed the god Bel.
Eccelsa donna
High priest of Bel hands over the execution warrants for Fenena and the Hebrews.

What do you want from me?
Nabucco, who has lost his mind, is brought in. The old Babylonian minister, Abdallo, supports Nabucco as he walks.

Who brought him here? Put him back in his room.

Who is the infidel speaking in front of Nabucco? This is the council chamber. They’re waiting for me. Let me go. I’m weak, but I can walk.
Nabucco tries to sit on the throne. He notices Abigaille sitting on the throne.

Who is she? How daring.

I need you to leave this place for a moment. Those who are loyal to me.
The people and officials leave. Nabucco and Abigaille remain.

Woman, who are you?
Donna, chi sei?

I was sitting on the throne as your guardian.

You, on my throne? You’re a fraud.

You have been lying sick. The people are screaming at the Hebrew thief. Put the royal coat of arms on this document. May death come to the wicked.

I have a concern.

Will you be rejected? Lucky Hebrews. Praise be to your God. There is no longer any Nabucco.

It’s a lie! Give death to all the Hebrews.
He signs the execution warrant for Fenena and the Hebrews and gives it to Abigaille.

A happy fate. I took the last step.

But what about Fenena?

Fenena offered herself to a false god.
Abigaile hands the execution warrant to the two guards.

Fenena is my blood relative.

No one will be able to save her. There is another daughter of yours.

Bow down, slave.

Foolish. I’ve been waiting for that word. Slave? I’m a slave?
Nabucco begins to search through his pockets for a piece of paper.

Know the truth.
Abigaille takes out a piece of paper and tears it up.

You’re pathetic. This is how I shall return the false document to you.

How much humiliation has fallen on my gray hair? I am a shadow of a king.

The throne is worth more to me than my lost father.
The sound of trumpets echoed.

It is the sound of death to execute the Hebrews that you ordered.

Guards, come on. I’ve been betrayed.

You fool, you still want to fight? These guards are the ones I left behind to hold you, prisoner.

Forgive me for being a foolish father. I want my daughter back.

Get out. It is useless for you to seek peace from me. You’ll see if this slave daughter is worthy of a royal cloak.
The banks of the River Euphrates
The Hebrews are chained and forced to work.
Fly, thought, on golden wings. My homeland, so beautiful and lost. Memories are precious and dead. O golden lyre, why are you silent? Call forth the memories, sound the sound of lament. Play the tune that gives virtue to suffering.
Va’ pensiero, sull’ali dorate

Who’s crying? Arise, my afflicted brother. From my lips, the Lord speaks. I know the future is in the dark. I know that worthless chains will be broken.
Oh chi piange?
What flame is burning in you? To his lips, the Lord speaks. Unworthy chains shall be broken.
Nabucco: Act 4, Synopsis
The royal apartments, Babylon
Nabucco is sitting in a chair, asleep. He wakes up, panting.

I have arms and legs. It was a terrible dream where I was being chased.
(Voice from outside the room) Fenena!

My daughter’s name is echoing. (Looking out of the room) My daughter is chained up and crying.
(Voice from outside the room) Death to Fenena!
Thunder and lightning. Nabucco’s expression changes. He runs to the door and shouts that he is trapped.

Forgive me, O God of Judah. The altar, the temple, what is holy to you will be restored. I will destroy my altar. Listen to my voice.
Dio di Giuda!
Where do you intend to go?
Babylonian Soldiers
We are all here to protect you.

I want to save my daughter, Fenena.
Abdallo and the Babylonian Soldiers
The wicked will fall. We see the brightness of the sun over Assyria.

Brave soldiers, follow me. I will return to be king of Assyria. My crown will shine in the sun.
O prodi miei, seguitemi
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Fenena and the Hebrews are brought before the altar.
Orchestral Interlude
Heaven has been opened. My soul yearns for God. Farewell, starlight. God’s light shines upon me.
Oh dischiuso è il firmamento!
( Voice from backstage ) All hail Nabucco.

The execution ceremony takes place.
Nabucco comes running into the garden with his sword drawn.

O impious ones, cease. Soldiers, break the deadly idols like dust on the earth.
Empi, fermate!
The idol shatters itself.
It’s a miracle of God.

Return to Israel. Return to restore the joy of your homeland. Build a new temple. The impious tyrant was forsaken by God, but he gave peace of mind to the repentant king.
God made Abigaille’s mind so disturbed that the wicked one drank the poison himself. Only God is great and only God is strong. My daughter Fenena, let us bow down to the earth and worship God.
(kneeling) Great Jehovah.
Immenso Jehovah
They stand up. Abigaille comes over, supported by two soldiers.

Oh, who can see?
Why are you here, miserable woman?

(To Fenena) Grant forgiveness to those who are dying.
(To Ismaele) Come here.
(To Nabucco) They love one another. They are hoping for you. Oh, who will take away the pain of my irony of crime?
(To the Hebrews) I worship your God. Do not hate me.
Su me… morente
God will save you.

Please don’t curse me.
Abigaile collapses and dies.
She’s down.

(To Nabucco) Those who serve Jehovah will be kings among kings.