Orfeo ed Euridice: Character Map

Orfeo ed Euridice: Roles
Orfeo | Orpheus | castrato |
Euridice | Eurydice | soprano |
Amore | the god of love | soprano |
- Native title: Orfeo ed Euridice
- Composers: Christoph Willibald Gluck
- Librettist: Ranieri de’ Calzabigi
- Based on: Greek legend of Orpheus
- Language: Italian
- Premiere: October 5, 1762, Burgtheater, Vienna
- Running time: 1 hour 35 minutes
Orfeo ed Euridice: Summary
Orfeo and Euridice are newly married. Euridice dies. When Orfeo was grieving, the God of Love said, “You may go to the Underworld to save Euridice. However, you must not look at her until you leave it.”
Orfeo goes to save her, but he sees her. Euridice dies again. As Orfeo tries to take his life, the God of Love appears. She brings Euridice back to life. They return together, and the people praise the God of Love.
Orfeo ed Euridice: Act1, Synopsis
A field in Greece. Nymphs and shepherds gather with flowers in their hands around Orfeo, who is lamenting in front of the tomb of Eurydice.
Nymphs and shepherds
Euridice, a beautiful spirit. If you are wandering here, hear his lament.

Nymphs and shepherds
The unhappy bridegroom is crying and asking for you.

My friends, please don’t do this. Your grief makes my grief worse. Put some flowers on her grave and go away. I want to be alone in my grief and misery.
Nymphs and shepherds
Euridice, beautiful spirit. If you are wandering here, listen to his lament. The unhappy bridegroom is crying and asking for you.
The nymphs and shepherds are leaving.

It is useless to call the one I love so much. She will not answer.
Euridice, where are you? I ask the gods and men, but there is no answer. Only the echo answers my lament.
Euridice! This name is known by all nature. All nature knows her name, for I have asked the woods and beaches.
Gods, give her back to me. I dare to go into the dreadful cave to find my bride.
The God of Love comes to see Orfeo.

I, the god of love, will help you. In your grief, the god Zeus took pity on you. He has permitted you to cross the rivers of the underworld alive.
If your song can appease the gods and spirits of the underworld, you will be able to bring Euridice back to this world.

When? How? I’m ready for this.

There is a condition. Before you leave the Underworld, you must not see Euridice. You must not give her any reason not to look.
Even if you want to look at her, hold back, don’t say a word. Patience is temporary.

What did I hear? Is it true?
In the underworld, I must not look at Euridice. I must not even hold her. What will she think? She might be angry. But I have made up my mind. It’s better than not seeing her at all.
God, I promise.
Lightning strikes and Orfeo walks away.
Orfeo ed Euridice: Act2, Synopsis
The entrance to the underworld. Dimly lit, near the river of the underworld.
Furies and Ghosts
Who on earth would come through the thick fog of the underworld? I, the goddess of vengeance, will show the man his fear. Let him hear the roar of the guard dogs of hell.
Furies and Ghosts dance around Orfeo.

Be subdued. Furies, ghost.
Furies and Ghosts
Poor young man, what are you doing here?

Ghosts, I am in the same torment as you are. There is a hell in my heart. If you have ever felt the anguish of love, then you will understand my sorrow and grief.
Furies and Ghosts
We feel a pity we have never felt before, and our anger is quenched. You may go through the door. I will prepare a safe path for the victor.
Furies and the ghosts are moving away. Orfeo steps forward into the underworld.
A flowering meadow in the underworld.
Reigen Der Seligen Geister: Dance of the Blessed Spirits

The sun shines brightly in the clear sky. A babbling brook and a refreshing breeze. This is the paradise of the chosen spirits. But I have to find Eurydice.
Where can I find Eurydice?
Bridegroom, soon the God of Love will return Eurydice to you. Eurydice was revived and regained her former beauty.

Fortunate spirits, I hope you will forgive my impatient heart. If you have ever loved each other, you will understand my desire for her.
Eurydice comes, led by the spirits. Orfeo does not see her. He takes her hand and starts walking to leave the underworld.
Orfeo ed Euridice: Act3, Synopsis
Orfeo and Eurydice are walking through the cave. Orfeo leads her, hand in hand, without looking at her face.

Follow me.

Is that you? Is it a dream? Are you and I both alive? Why?

My dear bride, I am alive. I have come for you. We can both see the sun of this world again.
Eurydice lets go of Orfeo’s hand.

But you won’t look at me when we’re reunited in joy. Will you not hug me? Please, at least look at me.

Now let’s hurry up and get out of here. (This is what I was expecting. I’ll bear it.) Shut up and follow me. (What cruel suffering.)

Do you want me to shut up? You woke me up in a peaceful state.
Oh, Orfeo, I’m dying. ( fake illness )
Orfeo turned around.

No, what was I going to do?

My love, please remember me… (pretending to be in pain)
Orfeo looks at Euridice.

Gods, what has happened to me? I’m dying!
Eurydice’s death.

Oh, what a mess I’ve made of things. She’s not alive anymore. I’ve lost her again.
What am I going to do now that I’ve lost Eurydice? Where would I go without my beloved? There is no help from earth or heaven.
Che faro senza Euridice?
Orfeo tries to die.
The God of Love comes to Orfeo.

Orfeo, what are you doing? Look to the God of love.

Is that you? What do you want with me amid my suffering?

I will return Eurydice to you. I know that your heart is in the right place.
Euridice wakes up.

My husband.

How can I thank you?

Those words are enough. Go to earth. Enjoy the love.
Temple in honor of the God of Love. Orfeo, Euridice, the God of Love, and shepherd men and women are celebrating.

Hail, God of Love.

Even at the mercy of irresistible forces, anguish will be forgotten in the face of lovers’ love.

Even though you may be tormented by jealousy, the true heart will return. The doubts that tormented the heart will turn to joy.
Hail, God of Love.