Tosca is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini. The play of the same name by Victorien Sardou, on which Tosca is based, was written for the French stage actress Sarah Bernhardt. Since the original play was written for an actress, the soprano’s charm shines through in the opera. Highlights from Tosca include Tosca’s “Vissi d’arte” (Act 2), Cavaradossi’s “E lucevan le stelle” (Act 3), and Scarpia’s “Va, Tosca” (Act 1).
Tosca, Opera: Character Map

Tosca, Opera: Roles
Floria Tosca | a singer | soprano |
Mario Cavaradossi | a painter | tenor |
Baron Scarpia, Il barone Vitellio Scarpia | chief of police | baritone |
Cesare Angelotti | political offence | bass |
A Sacristan, Il Sagrestano | bass |
- Native title: Tosca
- Language: Italian
- Composers: Giacomo Puccini
- Librettist: Luigi Illica, Giuseppe Giacosa
- Based on: La Tosca by Victorien Sardou
- Premiere: January 14, 1900, Teatro Costanzi (Teatro dell’Opera di Roma), Rome
- Running time: 1 hour 55 minutes (Act 1: 45 minutes, Act 2: 40 minutes, Act 3: 30 minutes)
Tosca, Opera: Summary
Cavaradossi, a painter, hides his friend, a political prisoner, in his villa. Cavaradossi’s lover, Tosca, becomes suspicious of his actions.

Tosca is a good girl, but she tells everything to God. So it’s better to hide this from her.
The chief of police, Scarpia, uses Tosca’s jealousy and love for him to get her into trouble.

Leave, Tosca. Scarpia is lurking in your mind. A man I’ll send to the gallows. A woman will be in my arms.
He demands Tosca’s body in exchange for Cavaradossi’s life. Tosca defends herself against Scarpia and kills him.

Tosca’s kiss!
The two seem to have escaped Scarpia’s clutches, but Scarpia’s cunning lies lead to Cavaradossi’s execution and Tosca’s death.
Tosca, Opera: Historical context
One of the historical events related to Tosca is the Battle of Marengo. The Battle of Marengo was a battle between Napoleon’s French and Austrian armies that took place in Marengo, Italy on June 13-14, 1800. Tosca is the event of June 17, 1800. In the first act, people are informed that Napoleon is dead, but this is a false alarm. In the second act, the people are told that Napoleon has won.
Tosca, Opera: Act1, Synopsis
the church of Sant’Andrea della Valle
A political prisoner, Angelotti, escapes into the church.
I finally arrived. My sister must have hidden the key to the chapel under the statue of the Virgin. There it is! I found it!
Ah! Finalmente!
He enters the back of the church. A Sacristan appears and begins to wash a brush.
A Sacristan
Hey! Painter! What? He’s not here. I thought Cavaradossi had returned because I heard a noise earlier.
E sempre lava!
He hears the bells ringing and begins to pray. Cavaradossi, the painter, appears.

Hey, what are you doing?
A Sacristan
I was praying. Is the model for the painting of Saint Macdalena the woman who comes to the church to pray?

That’s right.
A Sacristan
How punitive.

I got a good drawing! By combining a beautiful blonde woman with a dark-haired Tosca, I was able to paint the best art I could.
Recondita armonia
A Sacristan
I am leaving. Do you not want the food I have prepared for you?

I’m not hungry.
He leaves. A sound echoes through the church.

Who is it?
Cavaradossi, is that you? I have just escaped from prison.

My friend! I will do everything to help you.
Tosca’s voice can be heard in the distance.

(Tosca’s voice) Mario! Where are you?

(To Angelotti) Tosca is coming. Hide for a while. Take this food with you.
Angelotti takes the food and hides.

Who were you talking to? I heard someone leaving in a hurry.

It’s your imagination.
Tosca prays to the statue of the Virgin Mary.

Tonight’s concert should be over early. Come spend the evening at your villa.


Don’t you want to go to our little house? It’s sacred to us. The bushes of the forest, the scent of the herbs, the flowers in bloom. Under the moonlight and the stars, Tosca burns with mad love.
Non la sospiri la nostra casetta

I’ll be there. But I’m at work right now, so please leave.
Tosca is about to leave, but stops when she sees the painting.

Who is this blonde woman?

St. Macdalena.

You paint them too nice. Wait a minute. I’ve seen those blue eyes before. It’s the Marquise Attavanti.

(chuckles) Bingo!

Are you in love with her? Was she the one you were with earlier?

No. I just saw her praying in this church and I drew a picture.
There is nothing more beautiful in the world than your dark eyes. Your eyes are the only thing I can be crazy about. I cannot compare them to any other eyes.
Quale occhio al mondo

You treat me well. Good. Paint the pupils of the picture black.
Tosca leaves. Angelotti comes out of hiding.

Tosca is a good girl, but she says everything before God. So it is better to hide this.
I am leaving Rome. My sister has prepared a disguise for me. She has hidden a woman’s dress and a fan under the altar.

You mean the Marquise Attavanti. She prayed earnestly, you know. It was for you.
She did everything she could to protect me from Scarpia.

Scarpia! He is a man who uses faith to satisfy his own greed. What will you do now?
I can’t move during the day because it’s too public.

You can go to my other house near the church. If something goes wrong, go to the well in the yard. There is a hiding place in the well.
The sound of a cannon is heard. They leave in a hurry. The priests and the choir arrive and all hell breaks loose.
People of the Church
Napoleon is dead. Let us celebrate our victory.
A Sacristan
There will be a victory banquet today. Tosca will sing at the banquet.
Scarpia appears.

Do not make noise in the church.
A Sacristan
I heard the wonderful news that Napoleon had died.

You stay behind. The rest of you practice the hymns. A political prisoner has escaped. Take me to the chapel.
They enter the chapel, but nobody is there.

He had already fled. It was a mistake to fire the cannon.
Scarpia finds a fallen fan.

The coat of arms on this fan belongs to the Marquise Attavanti. This painting looks just like her! Who painted the painting of Saint Macdalena?
A Sacristan
The picture was drawn by Cavaradossi.

He’s Tosca’s lover.
A Sacristan
Huh? The food I prepared for Cavaradossi is gone. He said he wasn’t hungry.

The food he prepared must have been eaten by Angelotti.
Tosca enters the chapel. Scarpia stares at her.

Iago of Otero used a handkerchief. I’ll use a fan.

Mario! Mario!
A Sacristan
Are you looking for a painter? He’s not here.
A Sacristan leaves the chapel.

He said he was going to paint here, but he was lying.
Scarpia emerges from the shadows and Tosca is startled. Scarpia touches the holy water in the chapel.

Hello Tosca. Let me bless you with this holy water.

Thank you.
Tosca looks at the painting of St. Macdalena. Scarpia also approaches the painting.

You are a pious woman and will not make shameless imitations. Like putting on the garb of St. Macdalena and winning unforgivable love. The proof is this fan.

The crest on the fan belongs to the Marquise Attavanti.
I came to tell Mario something special, didn’t I? I came to tell you that I couldn’t see you tonight, but I didn’t have to.
He was painting and having an affair! They must be in another house near the church.
Tosca leaves.

Take three policemen and a carriage and follow Tosca.
Tre sbirri… Una carrozza…
Scarpia’s men will follow Tosca.

Go, Tosca. Scarpia’s lurking in your mind. One man, I’ll send to the gallows. One woman will be in my arms.
Va, Tosca
People of the Church
Let us praise God.
Te Deum laudamus
Tosca, Opera: Act2, Synopsis
Scarpia’s apartment in the Palazzo Farnese
At night, Scarpia is eating alone.

Tomorrow death will come to Angelotti and Cavaradossi. Give the letter to Tosca.
His men take the letter and leave.

She is coming. For her beloved Mario. And she will succumb to my wiles. I will get what I want.
Ha più forte sapore
His men enter the room.
Scarpia’s men
The only person in the house Tosca visited was the painter. We caught him.

Bring Cavaradossi to the room.
The soldiers brought Cavaradossi into the room.

You know that the prisoner has escaped. You have fed him, clothed him, and given him shelter in another house.

I don’t know anything about that!
Scarpia’s men
He looked at us with amusement as we searched for Angelotti.
Tosca comes into the room.

Mario, there you are!
He whispers to Tosca.

You must keep quiet about what you saw in my other house. Otherwise, you’ll be the death of me.
Tosca nodded.

Mario Cavaradossi, the judge is waiting for you.
Cavaradossi is taken to another room.

What happened to the Duchess’s fan?

I was so jealous that I let my emotions get the better of me. He was the only one in the villa near the church.

He was alone. Well, if the truth came out, he would be spared the suffering.
Cavaradossi’s screams can be heard from the other room.

His groaning! Why!

When has even Tosca on stage ever been more tragic? Open the door, so we can hear the screams! Now tell me where Angelotti is!

Don’t do it! He’s in the well.
Cavaradossi is brought in from another room. Tosca embraces him.

You didn’t tell him the secret, did you?

My love, um… you…

He’s in the well. Go now.

You told him, didn’t you? Get away from me.
Scarpia’s men come rushing into the room.
Scarpia’s men
Napoleon has won the war. Our army loses and runs away.

Victory! The dawn of vengeance. See me laugh. Scarpia.
Vittoria! Vittoria!

You don’t have to say a word!

You are on death row. Take him away.
Tosca tries to go with Cavaradossi, who is taken away by the soldiers, but is locked in a room by Scarpia.

Help him!

Do I? He can be helped by you. Let’s figure out how to help him together.

How much?

There is talk that I am a money man, but I will not sell myself to a beautiful woman for money. I don’t want to be rough with you, so you are free to decide.
Già, mi dicon venal

I have lived in art and I have lived in love. I have done no wrong and I have had unwavering faith. Why are you putting me through these terrible trials?
Vissi d’arte

Have you made up your mind?

Let him go now.

Even I cannot release him now. I will release you all by executing a mock sentence.
Scarpia gives his men a meaningful order to carry out the sentence.

I fulfilled my promise to you.

Not yet. Get us both a road pass. So we can get far away from here.
Scarpia writes a passage note. Tosca notices a knife on the desk. Scarpia stops writing and approaches. Tosca plunges the blade into Scarpia’s chest.

This is Tosca’s kiss!
Questo è il bacio di Tosca!
Scarpia’s death. Tosca takes the pass from Scarpia’s hand. She places a cross on the corpse’s chest and leaves.
Tosca, Opera: Act3, Synopsis
The upper parts of the Castel Sant’Angelo
Soldiers are preparing for the execution.

Guard, I have just one favor to ask. I want to leave a suicide note for a woman I care about. I will give you this ring and I want you to deliver the letter to her.
The guard receives the letter.

The stars shone and the earth smelled. The dream of love is gone. I am dying in despair.
E lucevan le stelle
Tosca comes over. Tosca runs up to him but can’t say anything. She shows him her pass.

Scarpia gave us our first and last pardon.

Scarpia did that?

He told me that I could either lose the life of my lover or give myself to him. Just before I was about to be captured by him as his prey, I realized that I had a knife in my hand. And I killed him.
Il tuo sangue o il mio amore volea

These gentle hands were meant to stroke a child or pick a rose.
O dolci mani

Listen. We don’t have much time. We’re going to stage a mock execution. At the sound of a shot, you must fall. After the soldiers leave, we’ll be free.
Cavaradossi follows the soldiers. The soldiers raise their rifles and shoot Cavaradossi. He falls.

You’re a great actor. You can get up.
Cavaradossi’s death.

He’s dead! Why?
Soldiers’ voices can be heard in the distance.
Scarpia was stabbed. It must be Tosca. Find her.
Soldiers come to the rooftop to get Tosca.

Scarpia, we meet in the presence of God!
O Scarpia, avanti a Dio!
Tosca jumps off the roof.